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Migrating to newer versions

Some releases introduce breaking changes. This page aims to list those and provide migration guide.


This release is the first one under polyvariant organization. No functional changes have been introduced, but the project has been repackaged to org.polyvariant. This means that starting from this version users need to change all imports from:

import com.ocadotechnology.sttp.XYZ


import org.polyvariant.sttp.XYZ


Significant changes were introduced due to separation of JSON deserialisation from the core. Adding a module with chosen JSON implementation is now required, as is importing an associated set of JsonDecoders.

For backwards compatibility just add circe module:

"com.ocadotechnology" %% "sttp-oauth2-circe" % "0.16.0"

and a following import where you were using sttp-oauth2:

import com.ocadotechnology.sttp.oauth2.json.circe.instances._


Minor change #336 removed implicit parameter of cats.MonadThrow in some methods. As long as your code just uses these methods (doesn't override or mock interfaces), you have to only solve warnings suggesting that there are unused parameters. Otherwise, remove : MonadError from inherited implementations.

Affected classes: PasswordGrant, PasswordGrantProvider, SttpOauth2ClientCredentialsBackend, UserInfoProvider


Breaking change in authorization code grant#

In #273 we have switched from using withPath to addPath in AuthorizationCode and AuthorizationCodeProvider.

If you were instantiating AuthorizationCodeProvider or using AuthorizationCode providing baseUri with path included, this would strip the path. Since 0.15.0 this is no longer the case. If you relied on this behavior, please remove the path from the provided URL before creating the instance.


Due to Scala 3 support Scope.refine Refined macro has been removed. Scope object now extends RefinedTypeOps[Scope, String]. To parse Scope use Scope.of or other functions provided by RefinedTypeOps - from, unsafeFrom or unapply.

Since this version, scope is also made optional in #199 to match the spec.


SttpBackend no more passed as implicit param#

Applying sttp convention, not to pass SttpBackend as implicit param, all methods that require it (like constructor of ClientCredentialsProvider) have been changed to require this as explicit parameter.


implicit val backend: SttpBackend[IO, Any] = ???
ClientCredentialsProvider.instance[IO](tokenUrl, tokenIntrospectionUrl, clientId, clientSecret)


val backend: SttpBackend[IO, Any] = ???
ClientCredentialsProvider[IO](tokenUrl, tokenIntrospectionUrl, clientId, clientSecret)(backend)

Split ClientCredentialsProvider#

ClientCredentialsProvider has been split into AccessTokenProvider and TokenIntrospection. This allows using better scoped traits without a need to provide redundant token introspection url if there is only need for requesting access tokens.

ClientCredentialsProvider has been left as a sum of both traits for smoother migration, so in most cases no changes would be required during the migration.


In this release modules oauth2-cache-xx have been introduced, that contain cache based AccessTokenProvider for cats-effect2 and Future. This has lead to removal of SttpOauth2ClientCredentialsCatsBackend and SttpOauth2ClientCredentialsFutureBackend. Instead a generic SttpOauth2ClientCredentialsBackend should be used with a AccessTokenProvider of your choice.

To build cached SttpBackend:

  • replace dependency of sttp-oauth2-backend-xx with sttp-oauth2-cache-xx
  • replace creation of SttpOauth2ClientCredentialsXXXBackend with the following example adjusted to your needs:
val accessTokenProvider = AccessTokenProvider[IO](tokenUrl, clientId, clientSecret)(backend)
CachingAccessTokenProvider.refCacheInstance[IO](accessTokenProvider).map { cachingAccessTokenProvider =>
SttpOauth2ClientCredentialsBackend[IO, Any](cachingAccessTokenProvider)(scope)

For details please see PR.


In many companion objects factory methods called instance have been replaced with apply, so previous way of creating objects:

ClientCredentialsProvider.instance[IO](tokenUrl, tokenIntrospectionUrl, clientId, clientSecret)

needs to be replaced with:

ClientCredentialsProvider[IO](tokenUrl, tokenIntrospectionUrl, clientId, clientSecret)


authCodeToToken and refreshAccessToken no longer return fixed token response type. Instead, they require RT <: OAuth2TokenResponse.Basic: Decoder type parameter, that describes desired. response structure.

There are two matching pre-defined types provided:

  • OAuth2TokenResponse - minimal response as described by rfc6749
  • ExtendedOAuth2TokenResponse - previously known as Oauth2TokenResponse, the previously fixed response type. Use this for backward compatiblity.


This version introduces sttp3. Please see sttp v3.0.0 release for migration guide.