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The sttp-oauth2 library comes with CachingAccessTokenProvider and CachingTokenIntrospection - interfaces that allow caching the responses provided by the OAuth2 provider. Both of those require an implementation of the ExpiringCache algebra, defined as follows:

trait ExpiringCache[F[_], K, V] {
def get(key: K): F[Option[V]]
def put(key: K, value: V, expirationTime: Instant): F[Unit]
def remove(key: K): F[Unit]

As the user of the library you can either choose to implement your own cache mechanism, or go for one of the provided:

ClassDescriptionImport module
ZioRefExpiringCacheSimple ZIO Ref based implementation. Good enough for CachingAccessTokenProvider, but for CachingTokenIntrospection it's recommended to use an instance which better handles memory (this instance does not periodically remove expired entries)"org.polyvariant" %% "sttp-oauth2-cache-zio" % "0.19.2"
CatsRefExpiringCacheSimple Cats Effect 3 Ref based implementation. Good enough for CachingAccessTokenProvider, but for CachingTokenIntrospection it's recommended to use an instance which better handles memory (this instance does not periodically remove expired entries)"org.polyvariant" %% "sttp-oauth2-cache-cats" % "0.19.2"
CatsRefExpiringCacheSimple Cats Effect 2 Ref based implementation. Good enough for CachingAccessTokenProvider, but for CachingTokenIntrospection it's recommended to use an instance which better handles memory (this instance does not periodically remove expired entries)"org.polyvariant" %% "sttp-oauth2-cache-ce2" % "0.19.2"
ScalacacheExpiringCacheImplementation based on"org.polyvariant" %% "sttp-oauth2-cache-scalacache" % "0.19.2"
MonixFutureCacheFuture based implementation powered by Monix"org.polyvariant" %% "sttp-oauth2-cache-future" % "0.19.2"